Thursday, March 18, 2010

Best cover

Okay first the covers 1 is MAR 2. 2 is Fruits basket 23 and then 3 is Tsubasa those with wings 2 and is 4 Anima 1 and 5 is Vampire knight 1
MAR, Volume 3 (MAR)Fruits Basket Volume 23<span class=+<span class=Vampire Knight, Volume 1 (Vampire Knight)
MAR gets 4th place Fruits basket gets 3rd place Tsubasa those with wings gets 5th place Anima gets 1st place yay and Vampire knight get 2nd and this doesn't affect the books at all i haven't read all of these so the cover says noting about what the books are about

i got this idea from my sisters blog please go look at her blog and see her favorite covers at


Jessica B said...

See, for me it would be:

1: Vampire Knight
2: Tsubasa
3: Anima
4: Fruits Basket
5: MAR

Allison secret said...

I can see that thank you